There is a working day before and after the Eid-ul-Fitr holidays, one of the working holidays in Laylatul Qader's holidays. If this workday is a holiday, it will be a 9-day holiday for Eid. As a day's leave, government employees will get 9 days leave.
This month, on the 29th day of Ramadan, the Eid will be held on Wednesday 5th June. Ramadan will end on 30 days of Eid on June 6th. The Eid holiday will start on Eid on 4th June.
Holidays will be held on 5th June Eid 4, 5 and 6 June ie Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Then on Friday and Saturday (7th and 8th June) two days leave. Lailatul Qader's holiday on Sunday, June 2, before the Eid holiday begins. Before the commemoration of the holiday 31 May and 1 June (Venus and Saturdays) Weekly holidays for two days. From May 31 to 9 June, the office opened on Monday, June 3 within 9 days.
If Eid al-Fitr falls on June 6, the Eid holiday will be extended till 7 June. Eid holiday will be held on 4, 5, 6 and 7 June. That means the Eid holiday on 7 June will be on Friday for the weekend. If you do not do the office on June 3, then 9 days leave can be done.
Government officials and employees are already planning a long vacation. They will take leave on June 3 to get a holiday.
So the government gives better leave on that day. Instead of going on holiday on June 3, instead of weekly holidays, it can be done on that day's office. This has happened in the past
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS